Making your home more energy efficient is the most effective way to take control of your energy use and reduce energy costs. There are many no-cost steps that you can take, regardless of whether you rent or own. If your income meets eligibility requirements, you can receive efficiency upgrades at reduced or no cost through our Home Energy Solutions℠ – Income Eligible program. Some people are surprised to learn that they qualify for this program. For example, a family of four earning just over $60,000 qualifies.
How We Can Help ➞
If you’re struggling to pay your monthly energy bill, Eversource and UI offer programs to help. You can learn more about these programs on your utility website: Eversource UI As an income-eligible Connecticut resident, you can also take advantage of energy efficiency programs funded through the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund.
To find smart energy options that are right for you, please visit our Find a Solution page or see a list of popular choices below.