The eesmarts program provides professional development workshops free of charge to educators across the state of Connecticut for grades Kindergarten through high school. These highly engaging workshops are designed and delivered by the National Energy Education Development (NEED) Project .
Workshops are interactive and cross-disciplinary, providing educators with engaging opportunities to expand their knowledge of energy and that of their students. Educators depart the workshops energized with great curricula, innovative ideas, and hands-on kits to use with their students. Formal and nonformal educators find the workshop to be “among the best professional development I’ve ever attended.” The workshops align with and reinforce the Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core Standards for Math and English Language Arts.
Workshops are scheduled throughout the year. Please check back regularly to view a list of the upcoming eesmarts workshops and to register. Please note that eesmarts workshops are open to Connecticut educators only, and there are a limited number of seats available for each workshop. Registrations are accepted in the order in which they are received. Teachers are provided supplies, breakfast, lunch, and substitute reimbursement (or a stipend for Saturday workshops).
Upcoming Workshops
Want to be on the list to get workshop updates? Email us at .
Attending an eesmarts workshop offers great opportunities:
- Receive free training, curriculum, and classroom materials available at
- Expand your personal and professional knowledge of energy and energy efficiency
- Find great ways to increase STEM and energy literacy in your students
- Access eesmarts Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core Standards for Math & English Language Arts aligned lessons found at
- Breakfast, lunch, and substitute reimbursement is provided (a stipend is offered for Saturday workshops)
For more information on eesmarts Professional Development Workshops - please call 1-800-875-5029 or email us at