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Energy Efficiency Board: Evaluation Reports

Energy Efficiency Board: Evaluation Reports

Energy Efficiency Board: Evaluation Reports

Energy Efficiency Board: Evaluation Reports

Energy Efficiency Board: Evaluation Reports

Evaluation Reports and Studies

As required by statutory mandates, regulatory orders, and policy directives, the Energy Efficiency Board conducts evaluation studies and market research to ensure that the energy efficiency programs supported by the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund are cost effective and achieve optimal levels of energy savings. Below please find final and draft versions of the EEB evaluation reports and studies, along with related documents such as project descriptions, stakeholder comments and supplementary materials. Documents are organized in reverse chronological order, with the newest documents listed first. As a supplemental resource for accessing evaluation documents, the EA team has also cataloged documents in an active spreadsheet.

The Energy Efficiency Fund also participates in joint research and evaluation projects undertaken by the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership (NEEP) Evaluation, Measurement and Verification Forum. Information on these projects may be found here. For information concerning the ongoing activities of the EEB Evaluation Committee, including monthly meeting documents, multi-year plans, reports to the legislature, and the Roadmap under which it operates, please visit the the Evaluation Committee's page here.

For additional study materials not listed below, please review the Evaluation Report Main Box Folder or contact the Board's Executive Secretary.


Chronological List of Projects

Report  or document
[C2216] EO Impact Evaluation2024Kickoff Presentation
[R2214] Active Demand Response2024Final Presentation
[C2210] ECB Impact Evaluation2024Kickoff Presentation
[C2214] C&I Active Demand Response2024Review Draft
[X2204] ISP Research2024Kickoff Presentation
[X2223] Financing Process2024Kickoff Presentation
[C2217] SBEA Programs2024Kickoff Presentation
[R2218+] HES & HESIE Continuous Improvement Package2024

Kickoff Presentation 

Interim Update Presentation 1

Interim Update Presentation 2

[C2205]Refrigerated Casework and Desiccant AHU Baseline2024

Kickoff Presentation

Review Draft

Agriculture Memo

Eversource Comments 1

Eversource Comments 2

[CT X2208/2235] 
Participant/Non -Participant Customer Analysis - with Equity Elements

Kickoff Presentation

Literature Review Summary

[R2255] UI Behavioral Project2023

Kickoff Presentation

Review Draft

Avangrid Comments

TC Comments

Final Report

Final Presentation

[R2221] Concierge Programs2023

Review Draft

Eversource Comments 1

Eversource Comments 2

Uhl Comments

Final Report

[R2222b] Assessing Optimal Levels of Residential Envelope and Duct Sealing2023

Kickoff Presentation

Interim Presentation 1

Interim Presentation 2

Review Draft

Avangrid Comments 1

Avangrid Comments 2

Eversource Comments 1

Eversource Comments 2

Review Draft Update Memo

Eversource Comments 3

CMC Comments 1

EES Comments 1

Contractor Coalition Comments 1

Technical Consultant Comments 1

Final PSD Update Memo

[R2202] Residential Appliance Saturation Survey (RASS) and Baseline2023Kickoff Presentation
[X2244] Review Possible Shift of EE to GHG Policy Integration Goals and Metrics2022

X2244 Interim Presentation 1

Review Draft

Eversource Comments

Final Report

[R2212] Behavioral Program Impact Evaluation2022Review Draft
[X2227] Potential Next Measures - Res and C&I2023

Kickoff Presentation

Interim Presentation

Workbook Draft

Review Draft

Eversource Comments

Final Report

Workbook Final

Final Presentation

[R2246] Residential Heat Pump Metering Study2022

Kickoff Presentation

Review Draft 1

Avangrid Comments

TC Comments

Final Report 1

Final Presentation

Review Draft 2

[X2231] Heat Pump EM&V Study Areas2022

Kickoff Presentation

TC Comments RE: Scope | Eversource Comments 1  Avangrid Comments 1

Interim Findings

Review Draft

Eversource Comments 2

Eversource Comments 3

Avangrid Comments 2

DEEP Comments 1

Final Report

[C2230] Commercial HP & Electrification Study2022

Kickoff Presentation

Interim Findings 1

Interim Findings 2

PSD Measure Update Memo - Review Draft

PSD Measure Update Files - Review  Draft

Eversource Comments

PSD Measure Update Memo - Final

PSD Measure Update Files - Final

[R2213] Delivered Fuels2022

Kickoff Presentation

Review Draft

Avangrid Comments

Final Report

Stakeholder Presentation

[C2211] Business & Energy Sustainability Impact and Process Evaluation2022

Kickoff Presentation

Review Draft

TC Comments

Eversource Comments 1

 Eversource Comments 2

Final Report

Final Report Update Memo

[R2209/R2215] RNC NTG & Impact Evaluation2022

Kickoff Presentation

Review Draft

Eversource Comments

Technical Consultant Comments

Final Report

Group 1 Excel Data

Group 2 Excel Data

Final UDRH Memo V1

TC Comments on Final Memo

Final UDRH Memo V2

[X2204] Shifting EE to GHG Policy Integration Goals2022

Kickoff Presentation

Interim Presentation

[C2203] Agricultural Market and Baseline Assessment2022

Kickoff Presentation

Review Draft

Review Draft Appendix A-C

Review Draft Appendix D

Avangrid Comments 1

Avangrid Comments 2

Eversource Comments 1

Eversource Comments 2

Final Report

[C2201] Commercial Baseline and Database2022Kickoff Presentation
[R1983] HES/HES-IE Single Family Impact and Process2022

Kickoff Presentation

Draft Report and Memo

Technical Consultant Comments RE: Draft Report | Technical Consultant Comments RE: Draft Memo

Eversource Comments RE: Draft Report | Eversource Comments RE: Draft Memo | Eversource Comments 2 & Memo

EA Responses to Questions | EA Responses to Eversource Comments

Pre-Report Presentation | Summary Memo from EA | Final PSD Review Memo

Final Results Memo | Additional Savings Memo

Final Presentation | Final Report

Recurve Comparison Memo - Review Draft

Recurve Comparison Memo - Final

Supplemental Files - Final 

[R2029] Single-Family Weatherization Assessment and Update2022

Kickoff Presentation

Interim Presentation

Interim Presentation 2

Review Draft

Avangrid Comments

Eversource Comments

TC Comments

Final Report

[C2117] RCx Persistence Study2022

Kickoff Presentation

Draft Report | Technical Consultant Comments | EA Response to Questions | Avangrid Comments | Final Draft

Final Report | Final Presentation

[C1902a] ECB NTG and Baseline and Upstream Non-Lighting NTG Study

[C1902b] ECB and Baseline Code Compliance

[C1902c] CT ECB New Construction NTG Study


Kickoff Presentation


C1902a Draft Review | C1902b Draft Review

Eversource Comments RE C1902b Draft Review | Eversource Memo RE 1902b | Eversource Comments RE C1902a Draft Review

Avangrid Comments  RE C1902b | Avangrid Additional Comment RE C1902a

Technical Consultants RE C1902b

Project Results | 1902A Final Report1902B Final Report

C1902c Review Draft

Avangrid Comments

C1902c Final Report

[R1968] RNC Baseline and Code Compliance2021

Request Scope Change Memo

Kickoff Presentation

Review Draft | Technical Consultants Memo RE: Comments & Technical Consultant CommentsEversource Memo RE: Comments 1968c | Eversource Memo RE: Comments & Eversource Comments | Avangrid Comments 

Final Report

R1968 Final Presentation

[R2015] Low Load Electric Residential New Construction2021

Kickoff Presentation

Draft Report

Eversource Comments RE: Draft Report

Technical Consultants' Comments RE: Draft Report | Memo RE: Draft Report 

Final Report | Final Presentation

[X1931-3] Compressed Air Systems Review2021

Review Draft

Final Recommendations

[X1931-8] Commercial Advanced Thermostats Review2021

Phase 1 Draft Memo

Eversource Comments RE Draft Memo

Final Phase 1 Memo


[X1931-5] Commercial Refrigeration Efficiency Update Study2021

Kickoff Presentation

Draft Report

Eversource Comments RE Draft Report

P. Mosenthal Comment RE Draft Report

Final Report

[X1931-4] Advanced Lighting Controls Review for PSD2021

Phase 1 Kickoff Presentation

Phase 1 Results

Utility Comments RE Phase 1 Results

Phase 1 Final Report

Phase 2 Kick-Off Presentation

Phase 2 Review Draft

Eversource Comments RE Phase 2 Review Draft

Avangrid Comments RE Phase 2 Review Draft

Technical Consultant Comments RE Phase 2 Review Draft

Phase 2 Final Report | Phase 2 Final Presentation

[X2001] Measure Life/EUL Update2021

Preliminary Results Presentation

Review Draft X2001A | Review Draft X2001A with Comments

Review Draft | Technical Consultant Comments RE Review Draft | Final Draft

X2001A Final Report | X2001B Final Report | Final Presentation | Phase 2 Final Report

[X1931-1] ISP Boilers and Furnaces2021

Kickoff Presentation

Draft Presentation

Discussion RE: Draft Presentation

Final Report

[X1931-6] Hours of Use Documentation2021

Kickoff Presentation

Interim Presentation

Final Presentation

Final Report

[X1931-7] Degree Days Update RNC2021

Kickoff Presentation

Final Presentation

Final Report

[X1931-2] Coincidence Factor and Commercial Landscape Research2021

Kick-Off Presentation

Draft Report

Final Report

[X2022] Education and Workforce Development2021

Kickoff Presentation

Task 3 Presentation

Best Practices Presentation

Stakeholder Comments

Response to Stakeholder Comments

Assumptions Memo

Draft Report | Appendices A-F | Appendix G | Appendix H

EDC Comments Re: Draft Report

Final Presentation

[X1942] Non-Energy Impacts2021

Kick-Off Presentation

Review Draft (1942a) | Review Draft (1942b) | Review Draft (1942c) | Review Draft, With Comments (1942c) | Final Draft 1942d | Final Draft 1942C

Avangrid Comments RE: 1942c

Eversource Comments RE Review Draft (1942a) | Eversource Comments RE: Memo | Eversource Memo RE: 1942d

Technical Consultant Comments RE Review Draft (1942a) | Technical Consultant Comments (1942c) Consultant Comments (2) 1942C | Consultant Comments 1942D

Final Report (1942a) | Final Report (1942b) | Final Report (1942c) | Final Report (1942d)

[R2120] Appliance Recycling2021

Kick-Off Presentation

Draft Memo Report

[C2014A]: C&I Lighting Saturation and Remaining Potential2021

Kick-Off Presentation

Review Draft

Technical Consultant Comments RE: Review Draft

UIL Comments RE: Review Draft

Eversource Comments RE: Review Draft

Final Report and Memo

[C2014B]: Commercial & Industrial Lighting Net-to-Gross2023

Review Draft | Avangrid Comments | Eversource Comments & Eversource Memo| REPORT WITH COMMENTS

Final Report

[C1932] Demand Response EM&V Support2020

Kickoff Presentation

Review Draft

Eversource Comments RE Review Draft

Technical Consultant Comments RE Review Draft

Avangrid Comments RE Review Draft | Additional Avangrid Comments | Additional Comments

Final Report

[X1931] PSD Review 2020

New Measures Kick-Off Presentation

Review Discussion 1

Review Discussion 2

Responses to Stakeholder Comments Batch 1 & 2

Responses to Stakeholders Comments Batch 3

Prospective RR Update Guidance

Final Redline PSD

[C1906] SEM Design and Evaluation2020

Kick-Off Presentation

SEM Best Practices & Evaluation

Phase 1 Results Presentation 

Phase 2 Draft Report | Technical Consultant Comments | ES Comment Memo | Final Draft

Final Report 1906B Phase 2

[C1901] C&I Sector-Wide Process Evaluation2020

Kick-Off Presentation

Draft Report

Interim Presentation

Final Report

[R2023] RASS Enhancement2020RASS Enhancement - Training 2020 1027 DRAFT

[R1965] Heat Pump and Heat Pump Water Heater Baseline and Potential Assessment

[R2027] Reliability


Market Size Interim Memo

Kick-Off Presentation

Responses to Stakeholders

Results Presentation

Draft Report

Eversource Comments RE Draft Report

Technical Consultant Comments RE Draft Report

UIL Comment RE Draft Report

Final Report

Cost-Benefit Table Calculations

[R1982] Residential HVAC/DHW Performance Potential Assessment2020

Kick-Off Presentation

Review Draft R1982A | Review Draft R1982C

Avangrid Comments RE: R1982C | Eversource Comments RE: 1982A | Technical Consultant Comments 1982A | Technical Consultant Comments (2) 1982A

Final Report R1982A Report with Comments 1982A

R1982A Final Presentation

[R1959] Single-Family Additions & Renovations Potential Analysis2019

Kick-Off Presentation

Renovations and Additions Interim Memo

Interim Presentation

Review Draft Report

Draft Phase 1 Report

Responses to Stakeholders

Final Report

[R1973] Retail Non-Lighting2020

PSD Memo Updated to Include Gas Savings

Retail Non-Lighting PSD and Program Recs

Results Presentation

Evaluation Memo from EMI

Kick-Off Presentation

Retail Non-Lighting Evaluation Report

Retail Non-Lighting Final Results Presentation

[X1939] Early Retirement2020

Kickoff Presentation

Draft Phase 1 Report | Phase 2 Review Draft | Phase 2 Final Draft

Phase 1 Presentation

Phase 2 Avangrid Comments | Phase 2 Eversource Comments & Memo

G. Lawrence Comments RE Phase 1 Best Practices | Draft Phase 2 TC Comments

Discussion RE: Draft Phase 1 Report

Phase 1 Final Report | Phase 2 Final Report

X1939 Phase 2 Final Presentation

[X1941] Multifamily Impact Evaluation2019

Kickoff Presentation

Draft Report

Final Report

[C1635] Energy Opportunities Impact Evaluation2020

Final Presentation

Final Report

Results Slides Final

Review Draft Eversource Comments

Review Draft UIL Comments

Draft Report

[C1634] Energy Conscious Blueprint Impact Evaluation 2020

ECB Evaluation Report Final

Evaluation Report Final

Evaluation Report Final Markup

Impact Results Slides 

Results Presentation

P Mosenthal Comments on Review Draft

Eversource Comments on Review Draft

UIL Comments on Review Draft

EEB Consultant Comments on Review Draft

Review Draft

[R1963] Short-term Lighting Study2019

R1963b Final Presentation SCS Analystics

R1963b Report Final

R1963a Report Final

R1963a Results Presentation

UI Comments on Review Draft

R1963b Public Review Draft Report

R1963b Consultant Comments (Craigo-Snell)

R1963b EEB Consultant Comments

R1963a EEB Consultant Comments

Draft Report

Kickoff Presentation

[R1617] CT Ductless Heat Pump Market Characterization Study2019

Final Report

Final Presentation

DHP Planning Tool

Draft Report

Eversource Comments on Draft Report (Memo)

Eversource Comments on Draft Report (Embedded Comments)

UIL Comments on Draft Report (Memo)

EEB Residential Consultant Comments on Draft Report (Memo)

EEB Residential Consultant Comments on Draft Report (Embedded Comments)

[R1705-R1609] Multi-Family Baseline and Weatherization Opportunity Study2018

Final Report

Final Presentation

Draft Report

Kick-Off Presentation

[R1706] Residential Appliance Saturation Survey combined with [R1616-R1708] Residential Lighting Impact Saturation Study2018

RASS Satabase User Guide Appendix G (updated 01 Oct 2020)

RASS Database Enhancement

Final Report

Final Report Appendices

Final Presentation

Eversource Comments on Draft Report (Memo)

Eversource Comments on Draft Report (Embedded Comments)

EEB Residential Consultant Comments on Draft Report (Memo)

EEB Residential Consultant Comments on Draft Report (Embedded Comments)

Review Draft

Review Draft Appendices

R1706 Kick-Off Presentation

R1616-1708 Kick-Off Presentation

[R1603] HES and HES-IE Impact Evaluation2018

Final Report

Final Report Appendices

Draft Report

Draft Report - Appendix A

Kick-Off Presentation

Eversource Comments on Draft Report (Memo)

Eversource Comments on Draft Report (Embedded Comments)

UiL Comments on Draft Report (Memo)

UIL Comments on Draft Report (Embedded Comments)

EEB Residential Consultant Comments on Draft Report (Memo)

EEB Residential Consultant Comments on Draft Report (Embedded Comments)

[R1709] CT Non-Energy Impacts Literature Review2018

Final Report

Eversource Comments on Draft Report

Draft Report

Kick-Off Presentation

[R1707] Net-To-Gross Study for CT Residential New Construction2018

Final Report

Final Presentation

UIL Comments on Draft Report (in text)

UIL Comments on Draft Report (memo)

Eversource Comments on Draft Report (in text)

Eversource Comments on Draft Report (memo)

EEB Residential Consultant Comments on Draft Report (in text)

Draft Report

Kick-Off Presentation

[C1644] Energy Opportunities Net-To-Gross Study2018

Final Report

EMI Response to Utility Comments

UIL Comments on Draft Report (Memo)

Eversource Comments on Draft Report (Memo)

Eversource Comments on Draft Report (Embedded Comments)

Review Draft

Review Draft - Appendices

Kick-off Presentation

[C1641] Business and Energy Sustainability Program Impact Evaluation2018

Final Report

Final Report Appendix G - Site Result Summaries

Draft Report - Redline with Comments Addressed

Response to ES Comments on Draft Report

Eversource Comments on Draft Report (in Report Text)

Eversource Comments on Draft Report (memo)

UIL Comments 

EEB C&I Consultant Comments on Draft Report (in Report Text)

Draft Report

[R1702-R1710] Codes and Standards Assessment2017

Final Report

Presentation on Final Report

Eversource Comments on Draft Report

Draft Report

Kick-Off Presentation

[C1630] Largest Savers Evaluation2018

Final Report


Eversource Comments on Draft Report

Draft Report

[R1614/R1613] CT HVAC and Water Heater Process and Impact Evaluation / CT Heat Pump Water Heater Impact Evaluation2017

Final Report

Final Report Appendices (in

UIL Comments on Draft Report

Eversource Comments on Draft Report

EEB Residential Consultant Comments on Draft Report (memo)

EEB Residential Consultant Comments on Draft Report (within text)

Draft Report

Draft Report Appendices

[R1602] Residential New Construction Program Process Evaluation2017

Baseline Study Final Report

Eversource Comments on Baseline Study Draft Report

Baseline Study Draft Report

Final Process Evaluation Report

EEB Residential Consultant Comments on Draft Process Evaluation Report (within text)

EEB Residential Consultant Comments on Draft Process Evaluation Report (memo)

Eversource Comments on Draft Process Evaluation Report

UIL Comments on Draft Process Evaluation Report

Draft Process Evaluation Report

[R1615] LED Net-To-Gross Evaluation2017

Final Report

Final Presentation

EEB Residential Consultant Comments (within text) on Draft Report

EEB Residential Consultant Comments (memo) on Draft Report

Eversource Comments on Draft Report

UIL Comments on Draft Report

Draft Report

[C1639] SBEA Process and Impact Evaluations 2017

Final Impact Evaluation Report

Impact Evaluation Draft Report

Impact Evaluation Draft Report- Appendix F

Final Process Evaluation Report

EEB C&I Consultant Comments (within text) on Process Evaluation Draft Report

Eversource Comments on Process Evaluation Draft Report

UIL Comments on Process Evaluation Draft Report

Process Evaluation Draft Report

[R1606] Eversource Behavior Program Persistence Evaluation2017

Final Report

Final Presentation

Eversource Comments on Draft Report

EEB Residential Consultant Comments (within text) on Draft Report

Draft Report

[R113] Ductless Heat Pump Evaluation2016

Final Report

Eversource Comments on Draft Report

UIL Comments on Draft Report

EEB Residential Consultant Comments (memo) on Draft Report

EEB Residential Consultant Comments (within text) on Draft Report

Draft Report

[R91] Impact Evaluation Best Practices2015

UIL Comments on Final Report

Final Report

Presentation on Draft Report

UIL Comments on Draft Report

Eversource comments on Draft Report

Draft Report

[R151] HES Air Sealing, Duct Sealing, and Insulation Practices2015

UIL Comments on Final Report

Final Report

Eversource Comments on Draft Report

UIL Comments on Draft Report

EEB Residential Consultant Comments on Draft Report

DEEP Comments on Draft Report

Draft Report

[R157] Multi-Family initiative Process Evaluation2015

Final Report

EEB Residential Consultant Comments (within text) on Draft Report

EEB Residential Consultant Comments (summary memo) on Draft Report

UIL Comments on Draft Report

Eversource Comments on Draft Report

Draft Report

[R33] Observations & Recommendations from CT Residential Program Database Interviews2015

Presentation on Final Report

UIL Comments on Final Report

Final Report

DEEP Comments on Draft Report

EEB Residential Consultant Comments on Draft Report

Eversource Comments on Draft Report

UIL Comments on Draft Report

Draft Report

[R154] CT LED Lighting Study2015

Presentation on Final Report

UIL Comments on Final Report

Final Report

EEB Residential Consultant Comments (within text) on Draft Report

EEB Residential Consultant Comments (summary memo) on Draft Report

NEEP Comments (within text) on Draft Report

Eversource Comments on Draft Report

Draft Report

[R84] Consumer Electronics Potential Study - Literature Review2014

Final Report

Draft Report Comments (

Draft Report

[R48] HES Additional Measure Review2014

Comments from Eversource on Final Report

Comments from UIL on Final Report

Final Report

Comments from Eversource

Comments from UIL

Comments from Residential Consultant

Additional Comments from Residential Consultant

Comments from HPACT

Draft Report

[R32] Eversource Persistence for Year 2 Home Energy Report Program Average Users2014

UIL Comments on Final Report

Final Report

Presentation on Draft Report

DEEP Comments on Draft Report

EEB Residential Consultant Comments (within report) on Draft Report

EEB Residential Consultant Comments (summary memo) on Draft Report

Eversource Comments on Draft Report

Draft Report

[R67] Residential Lighting Interactive Effects2014

Comments from Eversource on Final Report

Comments from UIL on Final Report

Final Report

2nd Draft Report

Eversource Comments on Review Draft

UIL Comments on Review Draft

Draft Report

[R15] Single-Family Potential Study2014

Final Report

Presentation on Draft Report

DEEP Comments on Draft Report - Version 2

UIL Comments on Draft Report - Version 2

Eversource Comments (embedded) on Draft Report - Version 2

Eversource Comments (letter) on Draft Report - Version 2

EEB Residential Consultant Comments (embedded) on Draft Report - Version 2

EEB Residential Consultant Comments (memo) on Draft Report - Version 2

Draft Report - Version 2

Comments from UIL

Comments from Eversource

Draft Report 

[R8] Central Air Conditioning Impact and Process Evaluation2014

Eversource Response to Final Report

UIL Response to Final Report

Final Report

Eversource Comments on 2nd Draft Report

2nd Draft Report

Draft Report

Draft Report Comments (

[R2] Evaluation of the Year 2 Eversource Pilot Customer Behavior Program2014

Final Report

Draft Report

Comments from Board consultant

Additional comments from Board consultant

Comments from Eversource

[R16] HES Impact Evaluation2014

Technical Presentation

Eversource Response to Final Report

UIL Response to Final Report

OCC Comments on Final Report

Final Report

Draft Report - Volume 2 

Vol. 2 Comments Submitted by:

- Eversource



- EFG (EEB Consultant)

Draft Report - Volume 1 

Vol. 1 Comments submitted by:

- Eversource/Eversource

- UI


- Competitive Resources

- Yale Community Carbon Fund

- EFG (Consultant to EEB)



All Vol 1 and Vol 2 draft report comments can be accessed at


[C19] C&I New Construction Baseline & Code Compliance Study2014

Technical Presentation

Final Report

Eversource Comments on Draft Report

UIL Comments on Draft Report

Draft Report 

[C9] SBEA Impact Evaluation2013-14

Eversource Response to Final Report (letter)

Eversource Response to Final Report

UIL Response to Final Report


Technical Presentation transcript


Final Report


Response to Comments


Draft Report


Comments from Eversource

Comments from UIL


[R4] HES/HES-IE Process Evaluation and [R31] Real-Time Research2013-14

UIL Comments on Final Report

Final Report

Final Report - Appendix C

Eversource Comments on Draft Report

UIL Comments on Draft Report

DEEP Comments on Draft Report

Draft Report

[C20] Energy Conscious Blueprint Program Process and Impact Evaluations2013-14

Impact Evaluation Technical Presentation

Impact Evaluation Final Report

Impact Evaluation Review Draft

Process Evaluation Final Report (With Appendices)

Response to Comments on Review Draft of Process Evaluation

DEEP Comments on Review Draft of Process Evaluation

Eversource Comments on Review Draft of Process Evaluation

UIL Comments on Review Draft of Process Evaluation

Draft Process Evaluation Report (and Appendix)

[C10] Small Business Data Mining Evaluation Study2013-14

Final Report

Comments from Eversource

Comments from UIL

Draft Report

[R86] Residential Lighting Net-to-Gross Study2013-14

Technical Presentation

Final Report

Draft Report 

Eversource comments on review draft

UIL comments on review draft

Residential Consultant comments on review draft

[C17] Commercial & Industrial Programs Market Assessment2013-14Final Report 
[C18] Small Business Energy Advantage Program Process Evaluation2013-14 
[C11] Small Business Participation Barriers Study2013-14

Final Report

Response to Comments on Review Draft 

Evaluation Committee Letter to DEEP

Eversource Comments on Review Draft

UIL Comments on Review Draft

Draft Report 

[C12] Small Business Low-Income and Limited English Barriers Study2013-14

Eversource Response to Final Report (letter)

Eversource Response to Final Report

UIL Response to Final Report

Final Report

Draft Report

Apprise Response to Comments

Comments from DEEP

Comments from UIL

[R3] Regional Hours of Use (HOU) Study2013

Eversource Response to Final Report (letter)

Eversource Response to Final Report

UIL Response to Final Report


Technical Presentation


Final Report + Appendices


Draft Report + Appendices 


Comments from Eversource

Comments from EFG Consultants 

[C14] Energy Opportunities Impact Study2013-14

Eversource Response to Final Report (letter)

Eversource Response to Final Report

UIL Response to Final Report


Final Report


Draft Report


EMI Responses to Comments

Comments from Eversource

Comments from DEEP

Comments from EEB Consultants

Comments from UIL

[R7] Ground Source Heat Pump Impact Study and Market Assessment2013

Technical Presentation


Eversource Response to Final Report (letter)

Eversource Response to Final Report

UIL Response to Final Report


Final Report


Draft Report (April 2014) - see for report and indexes

- Comments from Eversource

- Comments from UIL



Draft Report (Dec 2013)

Comments from Eversource

Comments from DEEP

Comments from EFG Consultants

Comments from UIL

[R5] Weatherization Baseline Study2013

Eversource Response to Final Report (letter)

Eversource Response to Final Report

UIL Response to Final Report


Final Report


Revised Draft Report

Comments from OCC

Comments from DEEP

Comments from Eversource

Comments from UIL


Draft Report

Comments from Eversource

Comments from EFG

ConsultantsComments from UIL

[C13] Large Commercial & Industrial Research: Participant Trend Analysis2013

Final Report

Draft Report

Comments from Eversource

[R6] Characterization of Single Family Housing Stock in the State of Connecticut2013Final Report 
[R1] Year 1 of the Eversource Home Energy Reports Pilot Program2013Final Report

Draft Report
Comments from OPower
Retrocommissioning, Operations and Maintenance and Business Sustainability Challenge Programs Impact Evaluation2013

Final Report


Draft Report

O&M Eversource Project Reports

O&M UI Project Reports

RCx Eversource Project Reports 

Eversource Response to Recommendations

Evaluation Committee Response to Eversource

C&I Free-Ridership and Spillover Study2012Final Report

Draft Report
Comments from UI
Comments from Eversource
Efficient Lighting Saturation & Market Assessment2012Final Report
Draft Report
Comments from UI
Comments from Eversource
Comments from EEB Consultant Glenn Reed (Energy Futures Group)
Residential New Construction Baseline2012Final Report
Draft Report
Supplementary Additional Analyses
Results of HES Performance Measures and Financing Focus Groups Study2012Final Report
Draft Report
EEB Evaluation Committee Recommendations for Use of Results from the Report
Impact Evaluation of the Retrocommissioning, Operation & Maintenance, and Business Sustainability Challenge Programs2012Final Report
Draft Report
Comments from UI
Comments from Eversource
Comments from the DEEP Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy
Performance Savings Document Review Stage 12012Draft Report
Comments from UI
UI Behavior Pilot (Home Energy Reports) Program Evaluation2012Final Report
Draft Report
Response to Evaluation Recommendations from UI
Evaluation Committee Response to UI
Review and Notice of Written Draft Comments from the DEEP Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy
Eversource Home Energy Reports Billing Analysis Interim Report2012Draft Report
Response from OPower
Response from Eversource
2011 Evaluation Studies and Results
(Report filed with the Energy and Technology Committee of the Connecticut General Assembly)
2011Final Report
EISA Lighting Focus Groups Report2011 Final Report
Impact and Process Evaluation of the Energy Conscious Blueprint Program2011Final Report
Home Energy Solutions Impact Evaluation2011Final Report
Market Awareness of the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund2010Final Report
Evaluation of the Weatherization Residential Assistance Partnership (WRAP) and Helps Programs2010Final Report
2008 Energy Opportunities: Impact Evaluation Report2010Final Report
The Market for CFLs in Connecticut2010Final Report
The Market for CFLs in Connecticut: Key Findings - Presentation to DPUC
Report on Results of the Multi-State CFL Modeling Effort2010Final Report
Residential Central Air Conditioning Regional Assessment2010Final Report
Connecticut Lighting Report 2009Final Report
Connecticut Small Business Impact Evaluation2009Final Report
Connecticut Small Business Impact Evaluation Presentation
Ductless MiniSplit Heat Pumps Evaluation Report2009Final Report
eeSmarts Process Evaluation Presentation2009Final Report
Residential Central AC Free Ridership Assessment2009Final Report
Residential Central AC Regional Evaluation2009Final Report
Residential Lighting Markdown Impact Report2009Final Report
Energy Conscious Blueprint Program Standard Practices Study2008Final Report
eeSmarts Process Evaluation2008Final Report
2007 Eversource Free-ridership and Spillover Report2008Final Report
Executive Summary
2007 UI Free-ridership and Spillover Report2008Final Report
Executive Summary
2008 Energy Opportunities Program Impact Evaluation2008Final Report
Eversource and UI Program Savings Documentation for 2008 Program Year2008Final Report
Residential Lighting Measure Life Study2008Final Report
Impact and Persistence Evaluation of Eversource's Operation and Maintenance Services2007Final Report
Executive Summary
2007-2008 Planned Evaluation Studies2007Final Report
Avoided Energy Supply Cost in New England2007Final Report
Eversource Process Reengineering for Increased Manufacturing Efficiency (PRIME) Program Evaluation Report2007Final Report
Executive Summary
Residential and Commercial/Industrial Lighting Measures Coincidence Factor Study2007Final Report
Measure Life Report for Residential and Commercial/Industrial Lighting and HVAC Measures2007Final Report
United Illuminating Company and Eversource 2005 Coincidence Factor Study2007Final Report
Executive Summary
2004 Commercial and Industrial Programs Free-Ridership and Spillover Study2006Final Report
eeSmarts Process Evaluation2006Final Report
Executive Summary
National Awareness of ENERGY STAR for 20062006Final Report
C&LM Program Evaluation Process, Including the Selection of Independent Contractors to Conduct the Evaluations2006Final Report
Municipal Program Impact Evaluation2006Final Report
Retrocommissioning Pilot Program Impact Evaluation2006Final Report
Executive Summary
Retrocommissioning Pilot Program Process Evaluation2006Final Report
Executive Summary
Market Assessment for ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioners in Connecticut2006Final Report
CT & MA Utilities 2004-2005 Lighting Hours of Use for School Buildings Baseline Study2006Final Report
Evaluation of the UI Helps and WRAP Low Income Weatherization Programs2006Final Report
Executive Summary
Impact, Process, and Market Study of the Connecticut Appliance Retirement Program2005Final Report
Market Assessment and Evaluation of Connecticut's Residential ENERGY STAR Lighting Program2005Final Report
Impact Evaluation of the Northeastern Utilities Demand Reduction Rebate Program2005Final Report

NEEP Evaluation, Measurement and Verification Forum Studies and Documents

Report or Document



Commercial & Industrial Lighting Load Shape Project Final Report


Final Report

Commercial & Industrial Lighting Measure Life and Persistence Project


Final Report

Incremental Cost Study Final Report: A Report on 12 Energy Efficiency Measure Incremental Costs in Six Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Markets


Final Report

NEEP Glossary of Terms Version 2.1


Final Document

NEEP Regional EM&V Forum 2011 Project Agenda & Budget


Final Document

NEEP Common Statewide Energy Efficiency Reporting Guidelines Version 1.0


Final Document

End-Use Load Data Update Project Final Report


Final Document

NEEP Regional EM&V Forum Proposed 2010 Projects and Budget Overview


Final Document